Deutscher Berufsverband für Soziale Arbeit e.V.

Montag, 20.03.2023

In Begegnung gehen, Verschiedenheit erleben/ Coming together, experiencing diversity

Auslandserfahrung in Praxis und Wissenschaft Sozialer Arbeit/ Experiences from abroad within the practice and science of social work

Uhrzeit/ time: 17:30 - 19:30 Uhr/ 5:30 - 7:30pm

Format: online

Veranstaltungssprache/ language: Englisch/ English

Beschreibung/ description:

How do Social Workers experience diversity? And how do they experience and contribute to professional and academic settings around the world when they are not in familiar places, relationships and settings? What have colleagues learned from colleagues in other countries and on other continents? We want to spend an evening with social workers and students of social work that have made the step and gathered experience abroad – and we want to know about the situations they found themselves in, their preconceptions and how they were (dis)proved, their way to understanding people and cultures and their successes as well as their failures.


organised and moderated by Matthias Kachel, DBSH member


Verena Fisch

B.A. Internationale Soziale Arbeit & Entwicklung (HS Coburg), M.Sc. Environmental Politics and Development (London School of Oriental and African Studies)  PhD Student, Social Work Futures Research Group (Dept. of Social Work, Glasgow Caledonian University)

Rewan A. Wagner

B.A. Soziale Arbeit (KSH München), M.A. Angewandte Sexualwissenschaft (Hochschule Merseburg (HoMe)), beruflich in der stationären Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Jugendverbandsarbeit aktiv - aktuell: Betreutes Wohnen für junge, queere Menschen, 2022: Aufenthalt in Griechenland in einem Projekt für queere, geflüchtete Jugendliche

Anmeldung/ registration

This meeting does not need a registration, just join the online room:

Diese Veranstaltung hat keine Anmeldung, trete einfach dem Meetingraum bei:

Meeting-ID: 691 8183 2027
Kenncode: 108570

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